Mardi Gras MASKerade Auction eBidding
If you can't make the Foundation's Saturday evening, March 2nd Mardi Gras MASKerade at The Phoenix, you'll miss a great time. No doubt about it! However, you won't have to miss all the fun! Now there are two ways to "laissez les bon temps

Laissez les bon temps rouler at The Phoenix on March 2, 2019!
The online box office is open to purchase tickets for Brandon's Foundation's fourth annual Mardi Gras MASKerade, featuring Cincinnati party band Robin Lacy & DeZydeco! This fun-filled fundraising event takes place March 2, 2019 - the

Congratulations 2018 Grant Awardees!
Brandon's Foundation was able to offer $45,000 in the form of two research grants in 2018! This is only due to your ongoing donations and support to end head and neck cancer through research of new treatments and cures. Thank you so very much!

New UCCI - Brandons' Foundation Research Fund
Establishment of the University of Cincinnati Cancer Institute Brandon C. Gromada Head & Neck Cancer Foundation Research Fund Several weeks ago Brandon's Foundation made an agreement to award an annual grant to a University of Cincinnati

Your Support Means Everything!
Thank you! Thank you Mardi Gras MASKerade 2018 attendees, table sponsors, auction item donors, Constellation Brands, Inc. for sponsoring the Benn Banks Craft Wine & Beer Raffle, mail-in donors, speakers, and the staff of the 20th Century

It's time to "laissez les bon temps rouler" February 10, 2018!
The online box office is open to purchase tickets for Brandon's Foundation's third annual Mardi Gras MASKerade, featuring Cincinnati party band Robin Lacy & DeZydeco! This fun-filled fundraising event takes place February 10, 2018 - the