Head and neck cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the United States.
It's incidence has risen significantly in the last one to two decades among those 25-50 years of age. Yet cancer of the head and neck, which includes oral cancer, receives little public attention or proportionate research dollars. Usually a form of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), head and neck cancer’s low 55% five-year survival rate has changed little for decades.
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The 2022 Stay Home - Stay Safe MASKerade is now live!
The 2022 Stay Home-Stay Safe MASKerade event web site is officially live! You may now bid on the many items, purchase "buy now" items, such as a 5 card Tarot reading by psychic Becca Silvermoon (who has done readings at our live events), and

Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month 2022
April is Head & Neck Cancer Awareness Month and the early signs of head and neck cancer can fool a person, but head and neck cancer is no joke. It is the sixth most common cancer; worldwide, approximately 550,000 persons will be